Nelson County Public Library - New Haven, KY

New Haven Trio    22” x 10’

Following the country highway from Bardstown to New Haven, past bourbon distilleries tucked into the folds of hills, the architecture of small farms and drifts of forest appear around every turn. Soon the arable land becomes a green river flowing between long chains of hills, called Knobs in this region.

History shows up in the center of this tiny town in the form of the Rolling Fork River and the vintage railway at the Kentucky Railway Museum. Transportation via these two avenues supported early settlement and development, played a part in the action that took place here during the Civil War, and brought people from around the world to the Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani, the home of Thomas Merton.

As in many small towns, the public library functions as a crucial heart of the community. The windows I created here make reference to flowing water, native botanicals, farming, railways, the Knobs, and the role of the library in supporting a lifetime of learning.

New Haven slice.JPG